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RIICO Jr. Assistant & Various Posts Syllabus 2018 Jr. Assistant Posts Exam Study Material 2018

Exam Pattern FOR POSTS NO. 1 TO 5 (EXCEPT POST NO. 2) :-  The recruitment examination will consist of one Multiple Choice Questionnaire of 200 questions comprising of two parts as per following:

Part-I: Aptitude and language comprehension (100 Question)

Section A: Reasoning Aptitude (30 questions)

Section B: Quantitative Aptitude (30 questions); and

Section C: Language Comprehension with written communication skills that include, inter alia (40 questions):

Hindi: Sentence Correction, Sentence, Formation, Official Letter/Application

English: Tenses, Determiners, Active/ Passive voice, Speech

Part-II:- Subject specific (100 questions)

Each question will carry 1 mark; Total marks will be 200

There will be a minimum pass mark of 40% for each section

There will be no negative marking

Questions will be set only in English except for specific questions in Hindi language.

RIICO Jr. Assistant & Various Posts Syllabus 2018 | RIICO Jr. Assistant & Various Posts No. 01 to 05 Exam Course Material 2018 | RIICO Jr. Assistant & Various Posts Exam  Pattern 2018 | RIICO Jr.Assistant Posts Exam  Study Material 2018 | RIICO Recruitment 2018 Exam  Scheme 2018 | Written Exam  Exam Pattern 2018For RIICO Vacant Posts | RIICO JA Posts Written Test Exam Pattern 2018 | RIICO JA Posts Online Exam  Syllabus 2018 | RIICO ARM Posts Exam  Marking & Question Pattern 2018 | Visit Official Web Portal Of RIICO Mentioned In Title.


ASSISTANT TOWN PLANNER Syllabus of post-graduation specialization in Urban Planning of that of University of Rajasthan with following thrust areas:
Evolution of City Building
Planning History
Definitions and Objectives of Planning
Theories of City Development and Planning Theories
Nature and Scope of Sociology
Community and Settlements
 Elements of Micro and Macro Economics
Development Economics and Lessons from Indian Experiences
Survey Techniques and Mapping, Survey methods: Analytical, Demographic Methods
Planning Standards
Role of Infrastructure in Development
Planning and Management of Water, Sanitation and Storm Water
Planning and Management of Municipal Wastes, Power and Fire
City Development and Transport Infrastructure Planning, Management and Design
GIS applications, remote sensing
Urban Growth and System of Cities
City – Region Linkages

Metro and Mega Cities: Problems and Issues
Human Settlement Planning, Urban Development Policies and Programs, Water Supply and Sanitation
Solid Waste Disposal and Management
Fire and Electrification, and Social Infrastructure
Traffic and Transportation
Survey Techniques
GIS Mapping

Research Design and implementation · Analytical Techniques, Presentation and Report Writing · Project Planning · Project Formulation and Appraisal · Project Management and Implementation, and Project Evaluation and Monitoring · Regulatory Frameworks and Implementation, and Project Evaluation and Monitoring · Regulatory Frameworks Governing Projects · Urban Governance: Institutions and Organizations · Legislations pertaining to Urban Governance · Environmental Management · Energy, Climate change and urban development · Development Finance · Legal issues and professional practice.


Valid GATE Score (Civil Stream) based merit


Syllabus of BE (Civil) of that of Rajasthan Technical University, Kota with following allocation of weightage and thrust areas: S. No. Topic Percentage Weightage A. Transport and Traffic Engineering 40% B. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering 20% C. Strength of Materials 40% D. Soil and Foundation Engineering E. Theory of Structure F. Structural Design-I G. Structural Design-II H. Fluid Mechanics I. Surveying J. Construction Material K. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering A. TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Survey investigation and preparation of road project. Highway standard classification, land width, building line center line, formation width, terrain classification, pavement width Camber longitudinal gradients, sight distance horizontal curve, super elevation, vertical curve, lateral and vertical clearances. Design of Pavement: Flexible pavements. Pavement Construction: Sub-base, base course and shoulder stone/kankar bricks soling, WBM courses, shoulders. Granular sub-base, stabilized soil roads, cement/lime stabilized sub-base, sand bitumen base course, crushed cement concrete base/subbase course. Bituminous Course: Prime and tack coats, surface dressing, open graded premix carpet, semi dense carpet, built-up spray grout base course, bituminous base binder course. Asphaltic concrete seal coats, mixed seal surfacing, Penetration macadam base/binder course, full and semi grouts. Traffic Engineering: Traffic Characteristics, road user Characteristics, vehicular Characteristics volume speed and delay studies origin and destination study. Traffic flow Characteristics, traffic capacity and parking studies, traffic regulation, traffic control devices, intersection control. System approach in traffic management. Bridge Engineering: Components of bridges, classification of bridges, requirements of an ideal bridge, selection of bridge site, Bridge alignment, site investigation and collection of data, waterway of bridges. Economics span scour depth of foundation, Afflux. Clearance , free board. Type of bridge superstructures and methods of erection, bridge bearings, joints in bridge, wearing coat, Railing, parapet and approach slab. Type of bridge foundation, bridge pier, adjustment and wing walls. Training work for bridges and protection works. Low cost bridges, causeway, timber bridges, suspension bridges, pipe and slab culverts.

B. WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY ENGINEERING: Water Supply Engineering: Quantitative requirements of water supply for urban and rural areas. Variation in demand. Forecast of population. Different sources of water supply , lakes. rivers and ground water. Intake arrangements. Drinking water standard for water. Bacteriological test. Pumping of raw water. Design of rising mains. Water treatment, flow diagram, sedimentation coagulation, filtration and disinfection, water softening and aeration of water. Water distribution system and their design and analysis. Clear water reservoirs. Rural water supply and sanitation. Problems of low cost potable water for rural population. Tube wells for water supply. Safe yield from tube wells. Sanitary Engineering: sewerage, separate sewers and combined sewers. Hydraulic and structural design considerations. Different types of pipe material and different shapes of build up sewers. Superimposed load in sewers. House plumbing, various accessories and arrangement. Sewage pumping station. Characterization of Sewage : Physical, chemical and biological analysis, Industrial waste water and its problems, natural purification process through soil mass and through water bodies self-purification of streams. Sewage treatment, Physical treatment, screening, skimming tanks, Grit chamber, settling tanks. Secondary (biological) treatment, tickling filters and high rate bio filters. Activated sludge and accelerated aeration plants. Secondary, settling tanks, sludge digesters and sludge drying. Final disposal, Low cost waste water treatment oxidation ponds, oxidation ditches, aerated lagoons, septic tank, anaerobic lagoons. Dry refuse disposal. Basic concepts of Urban and Rural sanitation.

C. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS:- Behavior of engineering materials in tension, compression and shear, elastic limit, yield stress, proof stress, nominal stress, actual stress and ultimate stress, factor of safety, load factor and elastic constants, Principal stresses and strains, Strain energy, theories of elastic failure. Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams, stress due to bending moment and shear force, design of section, section modulus, elementary theory of torsion, combined bending and torsion, Forces in statically determinate plane trusses. Slope and deflection of statically determinate beams, deflection of statically determinate frames Buckling of columns. Euler's Rankine's and secant formulae. Combined, direct and bending stresses for short columns. Thin cylindrical and spherical shells. D. SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING: Soil Exploration: Methods of site exploration, boring, sampling, standard penetrations test. Preliminary definitions and relationship: Water content unit weight, specific gravity, void ratio, porosity and degree of saturation, density index, phase relationship. Index Properties: Specific gravity, particle size distribution, consistency of soils. Classifications of soils, field identification. Laboratory test: Particle size analysis, liquid limit, plastic limit, proctor density, field density, permeability, shear box and unconfined. Soil water: inter-granular and pore water pressure, Quick sand phenomenon, permeability, Flow not and its uses. Vertical pressure distribution: Bossiness's equations, Circular load, pressure bulb and its significance, New-mark's chart. Contact pressure distribution. Consolidation: Concept of one-dimensional consolidation. Laboratory consolidation test, over-consolidated normally consolidated soils, settlement analysis. Shear Strength: Basic concept, Mohr-Coulomb Failure theory and measurement of shear strength. Earth Pressure: Lateral earth pressures (Active and Passive), Rankin's and Coulomb's theory. Stability of slopes: Methods of slices, friction circle method, Taylor's method. Bearing Capacity: Definitions, Terzaghi's method, general shear and local shear failures, plate load test. Compaction: Field Compaction method, water content, field compaction control and factors affecting compaction. Pile Foundation: Types of Piles, driving of piles, load carrying capacity of piles, pile load testing, under-reamed pile foundation, bored compaction piles. Well Foundations: Caissons, shapes of wells and component parts depth of well foundation and bearing capacity, forces acting on a well foundation on a well foundation. Well sinking. E. THEORY OF STRUCTURES: Statically indeterminate Structures: Static and kinematics indeterminacy, Energy theorems, Stiffness and flexibility methods elementary analysis of structures, methods off consistent deformation, slope deflection and moment distribution. Analysis of beams (including continuous) and portal frames, Influence lines, Influence lines for moment, shear and reaction for statically determinate beams and planner trusses. Muller-Breslau Principle and influence lines for indeterminate beams, Rolling loads on beams-shear force and bending moment due to concentrated loads, uniformly distributed loads-shorter and longer than span. F. STRUCTURAL DESIGN-I: Loads: Specifications for loads on buildings and bridges. Reinforce cement concrete: Limit state theory, resistance to bending, shear and bond. Design of singly and doubly reinforced beams, one way, two way and flat slabs, columns with axial; and uniaxial moment loading, footing, cantilever and counterfort retaining walls, simple underground and elevated reservoirs, cantilever sheds, simple rectangular portal frames, spherical domes, staircase. Pre-stressed Concrete: Properties of high grade concrete and high tensile steel, pre-tensioning and post tensioning losses in pre stress. Analysis and design of rectangular beams and slab.

 G. STRUCTURAL DESIGN-II:Steel structures: Tension and compression members, single and built up sections, connection and splices, roof trusses, simple beams and Purlin connections, columns, lacing and batten, Grillage, Gusseted and slab base foundation. Plate and gantry girders, through and deck type plate grinder bridges and with lateral bracings. H. FLUID MECHANICS : Fluid properties, types of flow, Fluid statics, forces on fully and partially submerged bodies, stability of floating bodies, Fluid kinematics, acceleration of fluid particle, velocity potential and stream function, irrotional flows, ideal fluid flow, Bernoulli's Navier Stokes, Reynold's equation, application: Flow measuring devices. Momentum and angular momentum principles as applied to fluid in a control volume, application to jets. Introduction of viscous flow, concept of drag. Flow through pipes, Laminar and turbulent. Equations for boundary layer thickness and boundary shear over flat plates. Channel Flows (GVF and RVF), surges. Dimensional analysis and similitude techniques. I. SURVEYING : Distance Measurements: Use of steel and metallic tapes, application of corrections, measurement of base line, errors in base line measurements, reduction to mean sea level, specifications for base line measurements, optical measurements of distances, use of substance bars. Angle Measurements: Principles of theodolite constrictions, temporary and permanent adjustment, precision in relation to nature of work, compass, varieties, limitations. Traverse adjustments. Vertical Measurements : Use of leveling instruments of level, level tubes, estimation of sensitivity, optics, care and maintenance, parameters to define quality of telescope, leveling instruments and theodolites, methods of records and reducing, stadia reductions, use of level rods, contouring, drainage and watershed lines. Methods of filling in details : Chain and compass, plane table and traverse surveys. Principles and adjustments of closed traverse, determination of missing data, solution of two point and three point problems. Other Surveys : Curve ranging using linear and angular measurements, simple compound and spiral curves. Measurements of area and volumes: Use of Plani meter, measurements of areas and volumes including prismoidal, trapezoidal and Simpson's method. J. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: (i) Building Materials : building stones, building bricks, steel (Plain, Tor, High-tensile and Structural), Timber, lime, cement, sand, surkhi, cinder, stone slabs and lintels, aggregates for cement concrete, paints, distempers, use of pozzolana manufacturing of line concrete, cement concrete for plan reinforced and pre-stressed concrete work. (ii) Road Materials: Coarse aggregate, screenings and binding materials for WBM. Bricks for soling coarse and fine aggregate for bituminous roads, IRC standard size aggregates Tars and Asphalt. Asphaltic concrete, Asphaltic emulsions, Mastic Asphalt and Minerals fillers. (iii) Constructions Stone Masonry: Ashlar, course rubble, random rubble, stone pillar, dry stone and arch masonry. Bricks Masonry: Types and their uses hollow and reinforced brick work. Wood Work: doors and windows. Steel Work: Structural steel work, metal doors and windows. Roofing: Stone slab roofing, G.C. Steel sheet roofing, Asbestos cement sheet roofing, jack arch roofing, tile and thatch roofing. Flooring: Cement concrete flooring, flag stone flooring, terrazzo mosaic flooring, Terrazzo file flooring, Brick on edge flooring, timber Granolithic floor finish, linoleum and other floorings. Plastering : Lime plaster, cement sand plaster, composite plaster, rough coat plaster, Arish plastering with Gypsum, Plaster of Paris, painting. Miscellaneous : Damp proof course, anti-termite treatment, sill, coping and corbelling. Centering and Shuttering: Centering form work, shuttering and moulds, timber trestles and false work, scaffolding and shoring, under pinning. Sanitary and Water Supply : Providing and laying galvanized iron PVC, asbestos cement, stone ware, cast iron and RCC pipes; sewerage and drainage system; overhead and underground tanks; manholes and gully chambers; septic tank; soak pit, dispersion trench, floor and wall treatment in toilets, glazed tile work, downpour pipes. Construction Management: Management of construction, plants and equipment's. Planning for construction using network analysis C.P.M. and PERT techniques. Shallow foundation : spread foundation, combined footing and strap footing, Mat of Raft Footing. K. HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING: Engineering Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation , evapotranspiration and infiltration. Estimation of dependable runoff factors effecting runoff. Rainfall runoff relationship, flood/drought estimation using frequency analysis and unit hydrograph methods. Groundwater hydrology, aquifers, steady flow towards fully penetrating wells confined and unconfined aquifers. Crop water requirements : consumptive use of water. Water point. Field capacity. Different methods of irrigation and irrigation efficiency. Duty, delta and outlet factor. Cropping patterns. Intensity of irrigation, Command area development and its related problems. Division Head Works: Principles of design of weirs on nonpermeable and permeable foundations. Kholo's theory, designs for uplift and exit gradient. Silt exclusion from canal head works. Canals: Lined and unlined canals. Lacey's and Kennedy's theories, Tractive force approach. Types of lining and its selection criteria. Lift irrigation from Canals and Wells Ground water availability in unconfined aquifers. Safe yield formulae, construction and maintenance of wells. Relative merits of lift irrigation and flow irrigation. Storage Works : Different types of dams. Elementary concepts of masonry, concrete, earthen, butteress and arch dams. Forces gravity dams. Structural behavior stability considerations and stress variation in gravity dams. Appurtenances, Foundation Treatment and control of seepage. Multi-purpose Project : Compatibility of Multi-purpose uses. Data needed in planning of multi-purpose water resources projects. Reservoir planning, Environmental consequences of irrigation. Water logging, problems of alkalinity and salinity; Farm drainage and CAD works.

Post No. 4: ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER-II Syllabus of B.Com of that of University of Rajasthan with following thrust areas: · Accounting standards(1 to 20) · Bank reconciliation & banking transactions · Cost Estimate Ascertainment & Appropriation of Overheads · Valuation of inventories · Companies act 1956 basic provisions about final accounts, audit · Financial statements, including revised schedule VI · Elementary knowledge of service tax · Financial management with specific reference to Cash Flow Statement, Capital Budgeting, Ratio Analysis. · Income tax Based on Financial Act 2014 · Heads of Income with much focus on Business Income, Calculation of Income Tax considering various deductions under chapter VI · TDS- Provisions, rates & applicability 

Post No. 5: JUNIOR LEGAL OFFICER Syllabus of LLB of that of University of Rajasthan with the following thrust areas: 1. The Constitution of India: Fundamental Rights, Directive Principals of State Policy, and enforcement of rights, Functioning of High Court & Supreme Courts, Right to Information Act. 2. The Civil Procedure Code, The Criminal Procedure Code, The Transfer of Property Act, The Indian Penal Code. 3. The Evidence Act, The Limitation Act, The Land Acquisition Act, The Companies Act.

Post No. 6: DRAUGHTSMAN-CUM-TRACER :- Scheme of Examination Apart from part I & II prescribed for posts no. 1 to 5 (except post no. 2), this post entails one more paper on computer aided drafting (AUTOCAD) on computer in Phase II. Candidates securing 40% in each section of part I & part II shall only be admitted to Phase II. Candidate must secure a minimum of 40% in Phase II. Syllabus for Draughtsman civil under Craftsman Training Scheme provided by DGE&T with the following thrust areas: · B.I.S. introduction of Code of Practice for Architectural and Building Drawing (IS: 962-1989) · Layout of drawing: Lines, Lettering, Dimensioning, Scales and Projection Construction of plain and solid geometrical figures. · Symbols & conventional representation for materials in sections as per IS 962-1989 for building drawings. · Components of a building. · Building material · Types of masonry · Protective material · Foundation · Permanent & Temporary structure · DPC, Damp proofing materials, Anti-termite treatment, Weathering course, Fire-proofing. · Arches, Lintel, Sunshades Centring & Shuttering. · Carpentry joints · Floors, Flooring · Stairs, Lift, Escalator · Roofs, Truss, Shell, Dome · Building rules & byelaws · Building Drawing (residential) and Planning · Prefabricated Structure- · Parks &playground Concepts of design of earthquake resisting buildings · Reinforced Cement concrete structure · Steel structure · House drainage of building · Road, Bridges, Railway · Irrigation Engineering · Estimating and costing · Wiring Electrical · Surveying · Leveling · Theodolite survey, Total Stations, GPS.

Post No. 7: JUNIOR ASSISTANT :- Scheme of Examination The competitive examination shall include the following papers and each paper shall carry the number of marks as shown against it namely: DURATION MARKS Phase-I (Objective type questions) Paper-I Section 'A': General knowledge Section 'B': Every Day Science Section 'C': Mathematics 3 Hour 100 Paper-IISection 'A': General Hindi Section 'B': English 3 Hour 100 Phase-II (For candidates other than persons with disabilities*): (1) Typewriting in Hindi on computer (a) Speed test 10 Min. 25 (b) Efficiency test 10 Min. 25 (2) Typewriting in English on Computer (a) Speed test 10 Min. 25 (b) Efficiency test 10 Min. 25 *Persons with disabilities will be given the average marks obtained by them in phase-I. Explanation 1. The syllabus and scope of course of the papers will be that of the Senior Secondary examination of the Board of Secondary education Rajasthan. 2. Candidates securing minimum 40% marks in each section of the phase-I shall only be admitted to the phase-II. 3. The marks obtained by a candidate in the phase-I and phase-II of the marks of the examination will be counted while determining their final order of merit. 4. Questions for will be set only in English except for specific questions in Hindi language i.e. section A of paper II in phase-I. 5. Paper-I & Paper II of Phase-I will be conducted in the forenoon and afternoon respectively.

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